Providing All Your Textile Printing Needs
frequently asked questions
Q: How long do orders usually take?
A: Typical Orders usually take 5-7 working days.
For large order lead times please call 714.546.0600
Q: Can you print a job quicker then the 5-7 working days.
A: Yes we do offer rush printing. Our fastest turn around time is 24 hours.
Rush fees will apply depending on how quickly you will need the order. Please call 714.546.0600
Q: Can I provide my own shirts or do I have to buy from you?
A: We offer both options. You can bring us your garments or we can provide them for you.
Q: Do I have to buy in dozens or can I buy single pieces.
A: We have a great standing with our mills and we receive case pricing. We pass along those
savings to you so yes you can buy in dozens or in single pieces.
Q: Can I drop ship my order to you directly from the Mills.
A: Yes we have a daily UPS and Fedex Drop off.
Simply reference your purchase order number and we will send you a receiving report once
the blanks have arrived at our facility.
Q: Can I provide my own shipping account number or do I have to use yours.
A: We ship both methods. We have a daily UPS and Fedex Pickup. We can ship on our
account or use your account or your customers account number. Just specify on your purchase
order what method and shipping number you would like us to use.
Q: What ink is used for printing.
A: We use a wide variety of inks. Plastisol is the main ink use. However we also offer Waterbase and
Discharge inks for the soft feel. Please be aware that discharge inks only work on 100% cotton tees
and exact pantone colors cannot always be achieved with this technique.
We also offer Puff, Foil, High Density, Flocking, and Metallic Inks. Call for Pricing on these special Inks.
Q: Can you match pantone colors.
A: Yes we do match pantone colors. Just specify what color you would like to use and we will
match accordingly.
Keep in mind Discharge inks cannot always be matched. This ink reacts differently with each
garment and we cannot guarantee pantone colors with discharge inks.
Q: Can I only do one t-shirt.
A: We do offer a direct to garment option for small runs. We also have a plotter that can do
vinyl numbers, names or one color designs to any garment.
Q: How can I see the design before it is printed.
A: We offer a free PDF layout of your design on a mockup garment.
This will provide you the opportunity to make any changes, position, color or size you may require.
Q: Do I have to have all the artwork or do you provide artwork services.
A: We do have a graphic artist in house. So you can either provide your artwork or set up an
appointment with our artist and create your own. Artwork Fees are $50 per hour.
Q: What format do you require the artwork to be in.
A: We except several methods. Vector Based artwork is always preferred for best results.
If your image is a Raster image please provide a CMYK file at actual print size and at 200dpi minimum.
If your image is a Vector File please provide Pantone colors you would like to use.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at 714.546.0600. Thank You.